And Peter answered Him and said, "Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water."               Matthew 14:28


Peter had the reputation of being rash and doing things without thinking things through.  Some have even called him a hothead.  Perhaps in the following instance, that may not have been a bad thing because he allowed his faith to shine through.  Or did it?

Jesus sent the disciples to the other side of the sea to wait for Him.  On the way, the sea got turbulent and they all were afraid.  That is when Jesus began walking on the sea toward them, and the disciples, thinking that Jesus was a ghost, were understandably afraid.


After Jesus calmed their fears, Peter asked Jesus to call him so that he could walk on the water toward Him.  Impulsive Peter jumped out of the boat and did just that!  Everything was fine until Peter began to lose focus, take his eyes off of Jesus, and be distracted by the wind and waves.  In his panic, Peter asked Jesus to save him.

We can’t be hard on Peter because each of us at some point in our walk has allowed ourselves to be distracted by circumstances.  When we let that happen, may we have the same  “impulse” to take our eyes off of distracting circumstances, redirect our attention on Jesus, and ask Him to “save us”! 



Photo by Ivan Ayvazovsky - 1888


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