Jesus said to him, "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God".                   LUKE 9:62

If you are reading this, Congratulations!  You definitely made it!  You were handpicked by the Lord to see this brand new year!  You are indeed blessed!  Not everyone made it.

Because of the faithfulness of our God, each one of us has many reasons to be grateful to Him no matter what hard things we may have faced in 2021.  We don't always understand what God is doing and why, but we know that it is never to cause pain or hurt.  He knows and wants what is best for us, but sometimes we just don't understand.  We still must trust Him. 

Let's make a commitment to face forward to the future that has been prepared, and not carry 2021 baggage into this new year.  Remember that there is no life is the past because it is frozen in time.  We can learn and embrace it's lessons, but it cannot be changed.

Music is a huge part of who I am and as I have been spiritually preparing myself for 2022 and the first of the year fast, songs began to flood my spirit.  *These are a few of the lyrics to one of them.  "I won't go back, can't go back, to the way it used to be, before  Your presence came and changed me."

May we all be blessed and surrendered to the Lord even more in this new year than ever before. 


*William McDowell / "I Won't Go Back" /  Album:  ARISE


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