
 With "Thanksgiving" in the rearview mirror, we can already see the busyness of the coming Christmas season gaining speed.  The commercialization of this season which is so special to Christians has not been negatively affected by Covid.   Some stores had Christmas trees and decorations on full display between Labor Day & Halloween.  The day after Thanksgiving, we were bombarded with "Black Friday" then  "Cyber Monday" with no slowdown in sight.

Recently someone shared a reading (author unknown) called "Satan's Meeting" that had to do with being B.U.S.Y.  Hold on!  Stick with me because I am going somewhere with this!  B.U.S.Y was an acronym for Busy Under Satan's Yoke.  One of the many poignant statements  was "Give them Santa Claus to distract them from teaching their children the real meaning of Christmas."

For those of us who are Christian, celebrating the Savior's birth is or should always be our primary focus.  That doesn't mean that we don't enjoy the trappings of the season's activities, fellowship with family/friends, exchanging gifts, etc.  It should mean, however, that those of us "who are called by His name" remember and honor Him as we celebrate His birth and His priceless gift to mankind. 

May we not succumb to being so B.U.S.Y. and involved with the busyness of parties, (many which will not even acknowledge Him), decorating, baking, and finding that perfect gift for others that we do not honor, acknowledge, and celebrate the greatest gift even given.  Jesus really IS the reason for the season!




"Jesus Is The Reason For the Season"🎶  (Kirk Franklin) & The Family)


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