"Standing In The Gap"

 Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.                      

Galatians 6:2  (ESV)                             

I love plants.  One of the ones I have in my home is called a snake plant. Some also call it  “Mother-In-Law’s Tongue”.  Personally, I think that’s a horrible name, but I digress.)   It grows tall and straight and if you are transplanting one leaf from an established plant to start a new one as I did, that one leaf needs “support” to be able to grow straight and tall.  Until its roots grow deep enough in the soil to support itself, it needs “help” to stand. Supports can be purchased or one may use a straight stick to help it stand tall until it can straight on its own.


This applies to babes in the faith, however, today I am reminded of the way Aaron and Hur stood beside Moses holding his arms up until the sun went down. You may read the account in Exodus 17.  As his arms grew tired, they stood beside Moses and supported him by holding his tired arms up.  As a result of their “standing in the gap” for Moses, God gave Joshua victory over the Amalekites.  On  our spiritual journey, even a seasoned Believer will sometimes need prayer support, encouragement, a listening ear, someone willing to get into the spiritual trenches when they are challenged and need strength.  

Challenges and tests of our faith can come in any number of ways:  death of a loved one, the dismantling of a marriage, a broken friendship, loss of a home or job, depression, etc  There are times when the stresses of ordinary life can wear on us.  Even “long haulers” in the faith can experience a season of testing causing them to experience weariness, needing some intercessory prayer support, encouragement, a listening/understanding ear, etc.  It is in those times that spiritual discernment reveals that need and positions us to prayerfully “stand in the gap” to support them.  It is an opportunity to allow the compassion of Christ to flow through us as we become “Jesus with skin on” for that person. 



This is my commandment that you love one another as I have loved youJohn 15:12

Photo by Gabriella Clare Marino on Unsplash


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