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Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation.

II Corinthians 5:18  (NKJV)

The Hatfields and The MCoys are probably America’s most famous “family feud” which lasted about 30 years with at least 13 family members being killed before it was all said and done.  Some accounts say that it all started over who owned two razor back pigs, then escalated to include other “issues”.  Two pigs!

Unfortunately, even within the body of Christ (families, ministries, cultures, & ethnicities) there are “feuds” that exist because of misunderstandings, unhealed hurts,  unresolved offenses, or differences of opinions which allow a root of bitterness to enter the mix.  In order to “dwell in unity, (Psalm 133:1), all parties have to be willing to check egos at the door, be open minded enough to really listen, and to prayerfully actually hear the other person without prejudgment, planning a strategic response/retort, or interruption.

The literal translation of the Greek word for reconciliation is “to change completely”, not to be confused with repentance.  Just as Christ reconciled us to God, we are called to be reconciled to each other. The enemy hates to see restoration and unity in the body for Christ. Each time we pray and push past what divides us, I imagine the enemy being "punched in the throat" and having a meltdown. Yes!

If we accept and embrace that we are indeed called to a “ministry of reconciliation” as the Word clearly states, then we are to be peacemakers (Matthew 5:9). To minister means to be a servant who represents/reflects the heart of Christ. defines reconciling as “to make friendly again, come to a truce or to settle a dispute.”

Being willing to sincerely apologize when we have offended or hurt someone is healing since each one of us has unintentionally done that to someone at some point in our human interactions and relationships. Sometimes it's as simple as agreeing to disagree. I once heard a recipe for being able to have these difficult, uncomfortable, and sometimes gut wrenching conversations.  It is “speak without offending, and respond without defending.” 



Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.

Matthew 5:9. NKJV


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