Are You Prepared for Your Next Season?

For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven:  A time to be born, And a time to die; A time to plant, And a time to pluck up what has been planted;
*Ecclesiastes 3:1, 2 (NKJV)

A couple of weeks ago, we talked about how seasons change.  Last week, as I prepared the flower  beds for what I want to see in my yard next spring and summer, I was reminded of the importance of planning for the next season of my life.  Hoping, wishing, and daydreaming will not magically produces the flowers that I want to see nor manifest any changes in the next season of my life.  There are certain things that I must do:  planning, preparation, and action.  If I "keep doing what I've always done, I will always get what I always got, and nothing will change!

If I want my next to manifest the way God has birthed it in my spirit, then I have to make preparations mentally, spiritually, and consistently.  It isn't enough to just want, wish, hope, pray, and cross my fingers.  After first seeking wisdom and direction from the Lord,  I must be diligent/faithful to do MY part.   I must take an honest look at myself in the mirror of the Word.

After asking the Lord for His wisdom, getting clear revelations from the Lord of His plans for me, then prayerful, thoughtful reflection and assessment of where I am right now are key. I must be honest with myself and the Lord in answering some questions.   What am I doing (or guilty of not doing) that has hindered fulfilling His calling on my life and what God wants to do in and though me?     Have I been faithful in what I know to do?  Have I surrendered my will in exchange for the Lord's Will for me?   Am I faithful in my worship, obedience,  studying the Word and my  prayer life?  Have I been guilty of self sabortge? I must take an honest look at myself in the mirror of the Word.

A wise woman, Mother Cara Mae Gardener, used to say, "Do your part, Do your best, THEN trust God for the rest!"  Sage advice!



*Emphasis is mine.


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