“O God, You are my God; Early will I seek You.  My soul thirst for You; My flesh longs for You In a dry and thirsty land where there is no water.  

                                   Psalm 63:1 (NKJV)

There is something incredibly satisfying and even spiritual to me about taking a brisk walk early in the morning when the earth is awakening from the night, the grass is still wet from the dew, the birds are chirping “Good Morning” (or whatever it is that they are communicating), and the sun is just beginning to peep over the horizon and tree tops.

I am not, by nature,  a morning person.  I function more efficiently at night (into the wee hours of the morning) because my concentration & focus are sharper when things are more calm.  It turns out that there is an actual scientific reason for that. It has to do with the effect that the sun has on the earth’s ionosphere (you’ll have to look that one up), causing there to be more activity in the airways when the sun is up.  Radio stations are able to lower the strength of their signals after sundown because during the night, signals are stronger traveling closer to the ground which makes the airways calmer and quieter. 

Knowing this helps me to understand why the Lord wakes me up early while it is still dark outside to pray.  My walking is an extension of my praying that starts as soon as my eyes open.  As I am walking,I am also praying for my community and the people who live in the houses that I pass along the way. I call it my JAM Time (Jesus And Me) time.  No wonder the Psalmist chose to seek God “early”!



Note:  The emphasis on "early" in the scripture is mine.


  1. Good word for all of us, thanks for allowing God to use what He deposited in you!


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