Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not.  They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.

 Lamentations 3:22, 23 (NKJV)

 His mercies are new EVERY Morning!

As I was walking in the early morning, seeing the sun begin to burst forth through the branches and leaves of the trees,  I was reminded of how wonderful it is to serve the God of a second chance.  Because of His grace, mercy, and compassion, sometimes He even gives us a third and fourth chance.

Knowing the imperfection of man, God wisely built repentance into the plan of salvation to give us an avenue to be redeemed and restored/saved through the blood of Jesus. Repentance is more than saying “sorry” because sometimes we are sorry that we got exposed and not sorry for what we have done that breaks His heart. We must first own/confess our sin and have genuine sorrow for what we did, seek His face (sometimes on our face), then turn away from it (the sin or behavior).   John 1:9 and 2 Chronicles 7:14, 15 affirm this truth.  When we do those things, He is “faithful and just”  to forgive our sin and cleanse us “from all unrighteousness”. 

May we not ignore Him when He is knocking at the door of our hearts.  When we “answer the door”, He will meet us right where we are.   He is compassionate, loves us, and desires intimacy with us so much that He gives us opportunities and avenues to get right with Him when we have made a wrong spiritual turn.  Let’s not be guilty of “frustrating His grace”.



I do not frustrate the grace of God...

Galatians 2:21a (KJV)


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