
Revelation 12:10 NLT

“...For the accuser of our brothers and sisters has been thrown down to earth--the one who accuses them before our God day and night.


Do you look at your life, and feel like God could never use you to His glory because of what you have done in your pastπŸ˜’, mistakes that you have made,  and your inability to forgive yourself (even though God already has)? When you are praying, trying to focus on or develop times of intimacy with the Lord, do the memories of your past indiscretions flood your thoughts?  The enemy will remind you of those things in a way that imitates your own voice and thoughts so that you accept them.  Remember that the enemy of your soul, satan,  is the accuser of the saints/the brethren, and He “prowls around like a roaring lion🦁, looking for someone to devour.”  (1 Peter 5:8).  His goal after being kicked out of heaven has always been “to steal, kill, and destroy” because he already knows the end of his story.  

If we look at the people God has used in mighty ways in Biblical history, we see  how much what we think and how we judge others pale by comparison to His wisdom.  After all, God even used a donkey to speak to the prophet Balaam.  Many of the heroes/heroines of the Bible & even in the genealogy of Christ are people we would consider questionable.  Moses was a murderer, Saul (later Paul) hunted Christians, David was an adulterer and a murderer, Rahab was a prostitute and the mother of Boaz, Peter was a hot head and a liar, and the list goes on.

There are a few sayings like “God can turn your mess into a message” or “God can turn your mess into a ministry”.  All true.  Don't sit on or dismiss your testimony of God's forgiveness of your past mistakes or indiscretions out of fear of someone passing judgement. Given the right opportunity or circumstance, God can use it to encourage and draw someone else. Being willing to share what He has done in your life, can show someone else that God can do it for them as well. He is no respecter of persons. That's where the "turn your mess into a message" comes into play...all to His glory! Don’t limit yourself  and don’t put limits on God.  Surrender it all to God and allow Him to use you (and your testimony) to His glory.




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