Key Scripture:  Isaiah 55: 8

For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.

A couple of weeks ago, we looked at how seemingly unbelievable it was (in our minds) that God would choose someone with the reputation of Saul to have such a huge impact on Christianity.  Yet, our sovereign God in His infinite wisdom always knows what He is doing. (1 Corinthians 1:20) 

Sometimes we look at other’s lives and find it inconceivable that God could or would use that person in His plan, forgetting that God’s ways and perspectives are so much higher and deeper than ours (1 Corinthians 1:25a).  In our minds, we limit Him with our finite minds to what He in His infinite wisdom and power can do. 

I would hazard a guess that each one of us at one time or another has unfairly drawn baseless conclusions, passed judgements, or  formed opinions about someone else's worth or potential to the Kingdom. Sometimes it’s based on our knowledge (or things that we have “heard”) about that person or their past, their family history/dynamic, or sometimes as baseless and childish as “there is something about that person that I just don’t like”. 

May we focus on our own personal relationship with Christ and leave all the “God Work” to Him because He will use whomever He chooses.




  1. This is true! But for me, like King David, my sins are ever before me. I marvel at how and why God would choose me to declare His truth. Like Paul, I glory in my weaknesses that the power of God is exemplified greater in and through me. What a mystery, what a privilege! Thanks for this word!

  2. Absolutely true. If we would just turn that “searchlight” inward instead on someone else, we would find more than enough to keep us busy.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts.


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