Matthew 5:44  (NLT)

 But I say, love your enemies!   Pray for those who persecute you!

Proverbs 25:21-22   If your enemies are hungry, give them food to eat.  If they are thirsty, give them water to drink.  You will heap burning coals of shame on their heads, and the Lord will reward you.

Both of these scriptures are  tall orders for sure, yet this is what those of us who are “called by His Name”, are called to do. If we are honest, praying for and loving those who intentionally hurt us is not a natural response.  This is literally what Joseph did.

I believe that we all can agree that in order for Joseph to fulfill the destiny that was upon his life, he endured much at the hands of his brothers.  The evil they held in their hearts toward him led to a chain of events that were discouraging, but did not deter his ending up in the palace. 


When I posted “From The Pasture To The Pit” I alluded to revisiting the fact that Joseph was sold to the Ishaelites.  Without a doubt, it was a terribly mean & hurtful thing for Joseph’s brothers to do which positioned him to become a slave to those who bought him.  What added insult to injury was to whom he was sold. Although not intentional, the fact that they sold him to Ishmaelites was another layer of insult to Isaac.  We have to go back a little bit to put that statement into perspective.  

Both Isaac and Ishmael were Abraham’s sons, and he loved both of them.  Sarah was Isaac’s mother and Hagar was Ishmael’s mother.  Ishmael never got along with anybody very well, nor did their respective mothers have  an amicable relationship. In fact, they were more like enemies. (After Abraham's death, both sons, managed to put their differences aside and come together to bury their father. Although Isaac was Abraham’s child/son of promise, God also promised to bless Ishmael because he was Abraham’s seed as well.  Later, each brother was blessed to have 12 sons of his own.

For Isaac’s grandson to be sold as a slave to the descendents of Ishmael (the Ishmaelites) was an added slap in the face to Isaac and Jacob.  The scripture does not indicate that the brother’s CHOSE the Ishmaelites because of who they were.  It seems that they just “happened” along the way which gave the brothers a convenient alternative to killing or leaving Joseph to die in the pit.

What do you do when your enemies, those who don’t mean you well (which sometimes may include family members), seem to get the better of you and seem to keep prospering in whatever they do?  It doesn’t matter whether they perceive you as their enemy, or you perceive them as being your enemy.  

Christ is the ultimate example for how we should respond.  He endured betrayals on a number of levels by some close to Him and some who did not even know Him, yet He preserved in ways that always honored the Father.  Joseph’s life is also a portrait of choosing to forgive.  Both were rewarded by fulfilling their destinies because of their willingness to forgive others who did not deserve it.  May we learn how to forgive as well so that a root of bitterness does not pollute our spirits.  Instead of being bitter, may we be better...by choosing to forgive.




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