From Potiphar's House to Prison


Genesis 39:20a,b  Then Joseph’s master took him and put him in prison, a place where the king’s prisoners were confined.

 Joseph finds himself once again somewhere unexpected, but nearer to realizing the fulfillment of those dreams than he probably realized.  He is imprisoned not because he broke any law or did anything wrong, but because he refused to do something that was wrong.  His unwavering loyalty to God cost him his freedom.

It was obvious to the prison warden that there was something special about Joseph.  The favor and hand of God were evident in his life so much so that the warden gave Joseph authority over all the prisoners in Pharoah’’s prison.  

After Joseph’s imprisonment, the King got upset with his chief butler/cupbearer and chief baker, and  had them imprisoned where they were turned over to Joseph.  Both had disturbing dreams that same night that only Joseph was able to interpret, and both interpretations came to pass.  Joseph asked the butler (once his job was restored) to put in a good word to Pharaoh for his (Joseph’s) release. Unfortunately,  the butler forgot all about Joseph…for two years.  There is a saying that declares that the darkest part of the night is just before dawn.  Things must have seemed dark to Joseph while he waited and waited.

When we choose to obey God’s Word and call on our lives by standing our ground spiritually and morally, then we should not be surprised when it costs us something as well.  It may not be our freedom like was the case with Joseph.  It may be a relationship, a job or something of the like.  Are we spiritually grounded enough to be able to stand firmly on our faith in the face of detours, difficulties, challenges, and betrayals?

When we have those times in life when we feel like things have “jumped the rail” and going wrong, when it seems that nobody notices or cares, and we begin to have a trial or test of the strength of our faith and character, it is then that we must remind ourselves of the promises in Jeremiah 29:11 and Numbers 23:19.  God always keeps His promises!  Just as he did not forget about Joseph, He does not forget about us.  How we handle the “detours” are designed to  help to build our faith muscle, reveal the quality of our character,  and teach us to have the patience to wait on God.  He is intentional in everything He does and allows. We have to trust His Way and His timeline.




  1. I wish I would have wandered into your blog when you first suggested it. I have been in a situation that may feel petty at times, but has stretched on for 3 years. I often struggle trying to finds God's purpose for this situation or why is has gone on so long. It is reassuring to remeber his timing is different than my own and that this situation will ultimatley strengthen my faith. Thanks Ms. Coretta!

    1. May I suggest that you read Habakkuk. There are only 3 chapters, but he had questions along those lines as well. In fact, I just got off of a Call to Prayer where our scripture was Habakkuk 2:1-4 (NKJV). Verse 3 reads, "For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry." Every delay has a purpose. God will not reveal that purpose until He knows that you are ready.


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