Key Scripture:  No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; God is faithful, Who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make a way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.

1 Corinthians 13:10 (NKJV)

 What is a mole?  I am referring to that disgusting pest (insectivore) that builds tunnels throughout your garden or, in my case, yard wreaking havoc to my once attractive yard.  This picture (upper left) shows the uninvited intruder that “single handedly” decimated my yard….front and back.  You can see one of those paws in that picture.   Below is a picture showing how it even pushed one of my garden lights right out of the ground.


  If you have never seen one, just google images of moles/animals to see what they really look like.  Be prepared to be grossed out!  You can’t see what they do because they do it underground (out of sight), but the destructive results of what they do are clearly evident  above ground for everyone to see.

Isn’t that how the enemy trips  us up…….working “under cover” usually unnoticed? (I never saw that mole above ground.)  He will never try to deceive us with an obvious lie or entrapment because we would see him coming then immediately rebuff him. Typically, what the enemy is doing in a person’s thoughts, spirits, and minds are not physically visible to others,  but the spiritual “fruit”  will eventually become obvious.   

We know that the enemy is a deceiver who comes to “steal. kill, and destroy” and Christ came to give us ‘abundant life’.  (John 10:10)  That is what this past weekend was all about.  We achieve that abundant life through surrendering our lives to Him, praying, reading/studying scripture, and through the power of the Holy Spirit ‘Who leads us and guides us to all truth’.

 The Lord encourages each of us in  James 1:5 (NLT) to ask for His wisdom.  “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you.  He will not rebuke us for asking. Also, knowing that the Word of God is a powerful weapon which is both offensive and defensive, it is wise to memorize those scriptures which arm and fortify us by giving strength, encouragement, and direction so that we can do battle when the enemy tries to infiltrate our minds.  

Suggestion:  Make a list of those scriptures, put one each on 3 x 5 index cards.  Put them in your purse, Bible, at your desk, on your mirror, in your briefcase, somewhere obvious and accessible, then commit them to  memory.  Our key scripture is a good place to start.  This scripture assures you that God already has a plan in place when you are under spiritual attack because the attack never comes alone.  Here are a few others:  Matthew 26:41, Philippians 2:5, and Philippians 4:8,9. 





  1. I often have to cite today's key scripture to remain sane at times. Thanks for the reminder that God is always there no matter what situation we find ourselves in.


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