What Is Happening To My Life?!?

   “What Is Happening To My Life”

One of the goals of this blog is to share what I call “nuggets” or “pearls of wisdom”.  I even have an area in the memo section of my phone where I  record them because I have found wisdom in unexpected places like billboards,  commercials,  someone’s testimony,  nature, etc.  The one that I am sharing this week is one that I either read or heard someone say years ago, that was so profound to me that I have shared it many times since.

It goes like this.  “What sometimes seems (and feels like) REJECTION,  is really God’s PROTECTION, and His REDIRECTION.  Now, ponder that for a moment, let that sink in while I break this down into bite sized pieces.  

This REJECTION could be based on one’s religion, skin color, culture, or for no apparent reason.  Rejection happens when an individual (or group of people) exclude another individual (or group of people)  by refusing to acknowledge or accept them.


Sometimes we do not understand some of the things God does or allows in our lives.  Even when it defies our logic. There are a few things we need to remember like Jeremiah 29:11 (NKJV)  “For I know the thoughts that I think  toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

Sometimes what seems and feels like REJECTION, is really God’s way of getting us to “move on” from a relationship or  circumstance that no longer serves His purpose or calling on our lives. If we are honest, there have probably been  times when  God allowed a circumstance or relationship with a person to “turn sour” in order to break our ties to that person/situation.  Why?  Because there was no place for them where God wants to take us.  That revelation can be hard in the short term,  but when it is all said and done, it is because He wants  His best for us.

How is being REJECTED providing  PROTECTION?   That is a fair question. PROTECTION is something that  prevents someone or something from suffering harm or injury.  Because  God is Omniscient, He has infinite knowledge of everything that lies ahead in our future; we do not.  In fact, He is already there (Omnipresent).  Perhaps when He intervenes by orchestrating a detour or U Turn in our plans, His allowing us to feel “rejected” is His way of protecting us from some danger headed our way (unknown to us) that would  cause us to stumble or be crushed. That kind of “protection” from our all knowing God is a blessing in disguise. 

REDIRECTION.  To be Re-Directed by the Lord is  to have one’s direction changed or shifted.  The enemy seeks to use tricks, roadblocks, temptations, and detours of his own to cause us to miss what God has ordained for our lives.  When trains are on a rail, one shift of the track will take it to a different destination (street or city) than where it would have ended up had there NOT been a shift.  We may not understand what God is doing at the time, but if we are patient, have faith in Him, and His Word, we will reach our proper destination and He will get the glory.


Proverbs 3:5,6  (NKJV)  “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.”

When we trust and follow Him, there will indeed be a light at the end of the tunnel, and it won’t be an oncoming train.




  1. Thanks SO much for these nuggets! Rejection really is God's Protection.

    I can testify of rejection giving me the energy or the willingness to release people and situations. I can also testify that God does all things well! Every situation may not have felt good, but I definitely worked for my good.

    If I had continued with some friendships/relationships or situations, I would be dead (physically or spiritually).

    Thanks again for sharing!

  2. There is no logic to this concept or view point except in the spirit realm. Some people say that hindsight is 20/20. If one believes that to be true, then if becomes clear that some of the things or people that we THOUGHT we wanted would have “taken you out!” But God............!


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