Scripture:  Luke 2:11

Kirk Franklin & The Family have a song called, “Jesus Is The Reason”.  It may or may not be your taste in music, but the message is undeniably true.  Yet, it is a phrase that seems to have become passe because we don’t really think about what we are saying.  It has  become more like a slogan. 

Although no one knows the actual date of his birth, December 25th is the date that we acknowledge, appreciate, and celebrate the birth of the Savior of the world, Jesus.   The actual date of His birth is still the subject of debate among theologians.

For many, the day after Thanksgiving until Christmas Eve is a time to decorate (many trying to outdo the neighbors), to shop (literally fighting over the hottest toys, etc,), to give and receive gifts (even going into debt to do so), without a thought about the greatest gift to mankind, the Son of God, Emmanuel, God With Us (Matthew 1:23).   Some of us have allowed Santa Claus and the commercialization of Christmas to overshadow/eclipse what our real focus should be, which is celebrating the Savior’s birth.

God did something for us that was amazingly unselfish.   John 3:16,17 (NKJV)”For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.  For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through Him might be saved.” He did this  knowing that His only Son would suffer and die a horrible death to pay the penalty for our sins.  (Hebrews 9:22)

Jesus, motivated by His love for us, left His home in Glory,  knowing what was ahead for Him, willingly came to earth, saddled in a body like ours to be the bridge to restore our relationship with the Father which was broken by Adam & Eve in the garden (Romans 5:12).  He came to restore that breach and reconcile us with God.  He, who was/is without sin, came to suffer and take the punishment (I John 2:2)  for the remission of all our sins so those who believe in Him may be saved.

Perhaps it is time for us to repent for not keeping Him at the center of our celebrations and getting so caught up in all of the trappings of how we celebrate.  As we close out Advent on this 2020 Christmas Eve, let  us commit to giving Christ the honor and acknowledgement He deserves.  Yes, let us enjoy our family celebrations (which may be a bit different this year), but may Jesus have a place at all of our  tables as the Guest of Honor!  

Happy Birthday, Jesus!  

We love and appreciate You!



(An Earlier Post)


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