To Serve, Not To Be Served
For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many. Mark 10:45, ( NKJV) Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash To Serve, Not To Be Served is the motto created by Ethel Percy Andrews. In 1958 at the age of 73, she founded the organization, AARP, to serve Americans 55 years of age and older. Jesus modeled servanthood many times throughout His earthly ministry. Here is one of many examples. Although He was the son of God, He served the disciples by washing their feet. Why is that significant? I'm glad that you asked. In Jesus' day, the custom of removing visitors' sandals and having their feet washed were expected because the roads they traveled were dusty. This job was done by the lowliest servant in the home, yet Jesus did it for the disciples. This act was a lesson in servanthood/humility for the disciples (and us), as well as, an expression of the Lord's love for them. Unfortunat...